Thai Food Craving!
I am a complete foodie! At times I get this sudden urge to eat something spicy! Last night, while I was studying for my mid term, I got a sudden craving for Thai food. :| Well, it was 11pm, and I did not know what to do! I couldn't even concentrate on my studies. All I could think of was Nasi lemak. While my friends were making fun of me, I started searching for good and very affordable Thai places in Philly which would be open at such odd hours! And, I came across this website:
I saw the menu, and there it was - MY NASI LEMAK for $5.95 only!!! :D I left my books, got into Market-Frankfort train and reached the restaurant! :D
Excellent food, amazing customer service, quick food, and very affordable!!!
So, the next time you have a craving like me, Banana Leaf is the place to be. :P
P.S: This is how amazing my food looked like! :D

-Your foodie TA,
Tanvi! :D
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