The time has finally arrived to transform your living space into a world of ghosts, goblins, and witches. Pumpkins carved and made into jack-o-lanterns, candy corn on the table, apples waiting to be dipped into luscious, gooey caramel, and the best part of all, being able to dress up as someone else for one night.
Finding or, better yet, creating the perfect costume and decorating doesn't have to be difficult or expensive. With just a few simple household items, beautiful crafts and decorations can be made that are fun for the whole family and bring a little Halloween spirit and the warmth of autumn into your home.
I love getting ready for special events or holidays, being able to create an atmosphere that embodies an entire theme or season brings so much happiness and really allows for a space to feel like another world. If your planning on throwing a Halloween party or simply just want to have some fun and get into the spirit, try a few or these recipe or craft ideas to get your mind churning.
Egg Carton Spiders
What you need:
Empty egg carton
Black washable paint
Black pipe cleaners
Googly eyes
White craft glue
One paper clip
Scrap newspaper
1. Cut the egg carton into twelve cups.
2. Paint the cups inside and outside with black paint. Allow to dry thoroughly on a piece of newspaper.
3. Open up on the paper clip and use the end to poke four holes on either side of the cup.
4. Cut four 7-inch lengths of pipe cleaners.
5. Thread the pipe cleaners through one side of the cup and out the other side of the cup. The ends should be equal on each side. Bend them upward at the base of the cup, then downward to creat the appearance of knees and feet.
6. Glue on the googly eyes.
Learn to make homemade candy apples:
Making pumpkin decorations!
I hope these videos and ideas get you in the spirit and give you a little inspiration to get started on your decorations, it's all about having fun and being creative :)
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